Becoming a dog sitter comes with great responsibility. You are not only taking care of someone’s beloved pet but also entering their personal space. To ensure a smooth and pleasant experience for both you and the pet, it’s essential to gather all necessary information beforehand. Below is a list of essential questions to ask a dog owner before sitting for them:

Image by Andar Moon from Pixabay

Know the Routine

  • 1. Daily Routine: What is the dog’s daily routine?
  • 2. Feeding Schedule: What is the dog’s feeding schedule and portion sizes?
  • 3. Dietary Restrictions: Does the dog have any dietary restrictions or allergies?
  • 4. Favorite Toys and Activities: What are the dog’s favorite toys and activities?

Understand the Behavior

  • 5. Interaction with Others: How does the dog behave around other animals or people?
  • 6. Behavioral Issues: Does the dog have any behavioral issues or quirks I should be aware of?
  • 7. Sleeping Habits: What are the dog’s sleeping habits?

Health and Wellness

  • 8. Medications: Is the dog on any medication or does it have any health issues?
  • 9. Veterinary Emergency: What are the emergency contact details for the vet?

Training and Discipline

  • 10. Known Commands: What are the commands the dog knows?
  • 11. Alone Time: How does the dog react to being left alone?
  • 12. House Rules: What are the house rules for the dog? (e.g., are they allowed on furniture, are there rooms they are not allowed in, etc.)
  • 13. Reward and Discipline: How do you usually reward or discipline the dog?

Identification and Safety

  • 14. Microchip: Does the dog have a microchip or any identification?
  • 15. Anxiety Triggers: Is there anything specific that makes the dog anxious or stressed?

Exercise and Outdoor Activities

  • 16. Exercise Routine: What is the exercise routine of the dog?
  • 17. Walk Behavior: How does the dog behave during walks? Does it pull on the leash? Is it reactive to other dogs or people?
  • 18. Toileting Habits: What are the toileting habits of the dog? How often does it need to go out?

Products and Brands

  • 19. Specific Products: Are there any specific products or brands you use for the dog (food, treats, shampoo, etc.)?

Special Instructions

  • 20. Additional Instructions: Are there any special instructions or things I should know about caring for the dog?

Don’t forget to discuss practical details like how you will get the keys to the owner’s house, what to do in case of an emergency, and any other logistical details that need to be sorted out.


Asking these questions will not only show the pet owner that you are responsible and thoughtful but also help you provide the best care possible for the dog. Each dog is unique and knowing their habits, preferences, and needs will help you build a good relationship with them and ensure a successful dog sitting experience.

Check out additional articles here:

Essential Questions to Ask Before Dog Sitting Share on X

Hey everyone! I’m Grumpy, your not-so-typical dog enthusiast, and the ever-so-proud parent of two rescues named Neo and Bear. My days are filled with slobbery kisses and the occasional bout of mischief. Together, we navigate the ups and downs of dog ownership; I share it all with you, my fellow dog lovers. So, if you’re a dog owner, a dog lover, or just someone looking for a good laugh, you’ve come to the right place. Grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and join me on this wild ride of doggy parenting. Woof Woof! Grumpy 🐾🐾

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